Real estate in a self-directed IRA (SDIRA) is the number one strategy of smart investors who choose their own investments to build retirement income. You can do this, too, if you use a self-directed retirement plan. You’ll become part of a growing class of individuals who control their retirement funds and invest in alternative assets to build wealth and diversify your portfolio.
4 Ways Real Estate in a Self-Directed IRA Earns Income
Building tax-sheltered retirement income with real estate in a self-directed IRA opens a considerable number of doors for investors. While the most common asset is an actual piece of property, there are a myriad of other holdings the average individual might not know about.
Investors who are familiar with the ins and outs of any strategy can put their knowledge to work and invest in those assets in an SDIRA to grow wealth for retirement in a few ways.
Property Appreciation
Typically, the value of a good piece of property appreciates over time. Your IRA can invest in different types of real estate (